Friday, January 28, 2011

Universal 9 Volt DC Power Supply

Recently I bought an effect pedal and realize that the adapter that comes with it supply only 120v but my country uses 220-240v.

To get a transformer to step up could be quite troublesome and bulky.

I found out that we can use an Universal 9 Volt DC Power Supply.

The auto-sensing circuitry runs off 100-240 volts and can use it anywhere in the world.

Take up only one outlet space and makes it easy to travel.

You can check out '1 Spot' by Visual Sound or 'Power All' by Godlyke.

Hope this information is useful.

1 comment:

Dainard said...


Nice blog! DC power supplies accept an input power and output the desired form of DC power. The DC power supply 9 Volt Regulator can give current gets about 1 Amp arrive at 2Amp. Thank you.

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