Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lesson 2 : Thumb Technique

Lesson 1 we covered the most common technique called 2 fingers plucking.

We will move on and talk about the thumb technique.

Don't be mistaken, we are not talking about slapping the bass guitar.

The thumb technique is simply to stroke the strings downwards and get a clear distinct tone.

Very simple right? All acoustic guitar should be able to do this technique.

We will bring this technique to another level.

Instead of just stroking downwards, we will do the down and up motion as if using a pick.

This technique is similar as Victor Wooten's thumb technique but without the Plucking.

You will be able to play fast and not get tired too soon.

Try using this technique and play the C major scale, C D E F G A B C.

You can do down up on one note or down on one note and up on the next note. i.e. down up the C note and move down the scale or down C up D and so on.

Whichever way you like it. Just Enjoy!

Hope this simple lesson is useful to you.



1 comment:

foolz said...

thanks for giving creating this blog for bassist!

me myself have not laid my hands on a bass yet, but planning too.

this website is a good kickstart for me to learn abit more.

im abit confused on one part though. for beginers we dont even know how to play the C D E F and so on and so forth.

mind teaching us the techniques in the next post?

In His Words